Most Beautiful Fish Tattoo Ideas 2020

Do you want to try a fish tattoo? Fish have the most special connection with us. Scientific research proves that terrestrial life originated in the ocean.

Therefore, it can be said that fish are the ancient ancestors of mankind. Fish means good luck, prosperity, and happiness. There is also a spirit of struggle against the current.

In this article, we have organized 20 beautiful fish tattoo ideas. Various colors, all parts of the body, these fish tattoos are very beautiful, hope you like them too.


1.Koi tattoo

Simple and beautiful black koi tattoo. The tattoo is under the collarbone. The beautiful lines of Koi echo the charming arc of the collarbone. This is the creative idea of a Koi tattoo that will make your heartbeat.

It is worth pinning to your board.

2.Ankle Koi tattoo ideas

The two little koi carps seem to be swimming first. The slender fish body is very powerful.

3.Goldfish tattoo ideas

Shoulder tattoos are very popular. The elegant goldfish tattoo on the shoulder is a great idea. Does it make your heartbeat?

4.Forearm fish tattoo

Simple and beautiful, blue, black, white, all are quiet, deep colors. Quiet and inclusive of everything like the sea. Do you like such a simple fish tattoo?

5.Wrist fish tattoo design

Very beautiful and vivid blue and red goldfish tattoo. The swinging beautiful tail is swimming happily. Which one do you like?

6.Leg fish tattoo

Two beautiful shank fish tattoos. One is a passionate red, with a curved body in a semi-circular shape. It seems lively and powerful.

The second paragraph is restrained light blue and light brown. The fish’s body is slender and stretched out.

Which two styles do you prefer?

7.A fish tattoo behind the neck

The black goldfish tattoo leisurely swimming, cute and beautiful. This is a tattoo design worth showing off.

8.Beautiful deep purple fish tattoo

Noble dark purple, solemn colors. What effect does this color combination with live swimming fish? See if you like it?

Next, there is a very beautiful goldfish tattoo on the ribs, combined with the Aquarius pattern, which is a great idea.

There are also goldfish tattoo ideas on the arm, and the three colors of red, yellow, and blue combine to create an amazing color combination.

Finally, a beautiful blue fish tattoo on the shoulder. This is a Russian-style combination of blue and white. It has a special style.

9.Several fish tattoos with strong color contrast

Bright and unrestrained red and calm and restrained black and light green. Which style will you like?

There are yin and yang shaped fish tattoos, ancient oriental style, mysterious and beautiful.

Source: @/nastyafox/

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